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Curriculum Intent

In the English department we aim to create a learning environment and curriculum that encourages students to become independent and adaptable learners and communicators. We work together to encourage our learners to believe in their creativity, to find their voice and learn how to use rhetoric effectively. Through a carefully considered curriculum, we offer our students a wide range of challenging, yet accessible, texts of all forms to develop analytical reading, oracy and written communication. We promote a culture of reading for pleasure. Accordingly, we explore a variety of texts from around the world in order to develop knowledge, explore cultural capital and build skills to support future learning.

Key Stage 3 overview

The English Key Stage 3 curriculum is designed in such a way that all of the skills necessary for future learning are practised and honed throughout our learners’ KS3 study. All assessments are created for this purpose with adaptive learning, deliberate structuring and scaffolding to ensure that assessments are challenging, yet accessible to all pupils. Components are sequenced in a thoughtful manner to ensure that learners cover course content that covers the National Curriculum. Each annual programme of study affords pupils the chance to critically read a range of challenging text types, to write creatively for a range of purposes and audiences and communicate effectively.

Key Stage 4 overview

Students follow the Eduqas English Language and Literature GCSE course. Throughout key stage 4, we promote an application-based pedagogy culminating in students being fully prepared and confident to undertake their GCSEs.

Component 1: 20th Century Literature Reading ad Creative Prose Writing

Written examination 1 hour 45 minutes

40% of qualification.

Section A (20%) - Reading

Understanding of one prose extract from the 20th century assessed through a range of questions.

Section B (20%) – Prose Writing

One creative writing task selected from a choice of four titles.


Component 2: 19th and 21st Century Non-Fiction Reading and Transactional/Persuasive Writing Written Examination: 2 hours

60% of qualification.

Section A (30%) – Reading

Understanding two extracts of non-fiction writing, one from the 19th century, the other from the 21st century, assessed through a range of structured questions.

Section B (30%) – Writing

Two compulsory transactional/persuasive writing tasks.


Component 3: Spoken Language

Non-exam assessment


One presentation/speech, including responses to questions and feedback.